Issue converting .rpt file to .trdp file using Telerik Standalone Report Wizard

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Converters Report Designer (standalone)
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John asked on 03 May 2024, 02:34 PM

We converted the .rpt file to .trdp file using Telerik Standalone Report Wizard. The result is as in the screenshot.

But the data is not visible in the report. We are not sure about the reason. Can you help us on the below questions?

1) In our case, we have a table in the database with 3 columns it includes a binary datatype also. Whether this cause the data displaying issue?

2) If so, then to which format we have to convert the binary data?

I have attached the .rpt file.  (Rename .txt to .rpt).

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answered on 06 May 2024, 01:27 PM

Hello John,

Is the data previewable in the last step of the SqlDataSource Wizard? If yes, then there should be no problem with the data and you should be able to use the SqlDataSource Component with any of the data items.

If there is a problem with the data, please attach a trace listener to the Standalone Report Designer, reproduce the problem, and attach the log to your reply so that we can check the internal stack trace - Standalone Report Designer Problems Troubleshooting - Telerik Reporting.

I see in the image that the report consists of a static text header - "Input Report(English)" and a couple of the SubReport items. Each SubReport internally uses a normal TRDP/TRDX report, please make sure that you have also converted those from RPT.

Additionally, the SubReport item itself is a data item and you can assign the SqlDataSource component to its DataSource property in order to pass the data to it from the main report. You may refer to The property DataSource of the SubReport item for more information on this topic.

Please make sure that there is no problem with the data by previewing it on the last page of the SqlDataSource Wizard, then verify that all SubReports point to valid TRDP/TRDX reports and that the SqlDataSource component with the data is assigned to them so that they have access to that data.

In case you need further assistance, please send me a trace log plus the report definition in TRDP/TRDX format(plus the definitions of the SubReports' reports).

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commented on 08 May 2024, 05:13 AM

Hi Dimitar,

We're reviewing the data from the SqlDataSource Wizard. We'll let you know if we have any doubts.

Converters Report Designer (standalone)
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