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Is RadScheduler 508 Compliance?

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Adeel asked on 29 Dec 2008, 03:05 PM
I have read the documentation of RadTree and i found out that the RadTree is 508 Compliance.

Is RadScheduler also 508 Compliance?

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Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
answered on 29 Dec 2008, 04:35 PM
Hello Adeel,

Unfortunately RadScheduler is not directly compliant with the Section 508 Compliance Act. There's no keyboard navigation available yet, though it is planned for the future. If you ask a specific question about the current compliance level, I may be able to tell you more.

Best wishes,
Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team

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answered on 30 Dec 2008, 07:31 AM

Thanks Kamen,

When do you plan to release RadScheduler Compliant with the 'Section 508' Compliance act. ?

I find out the link to accessibility support chart of Rad controls that clearly shows the RadScheduler is compliant with the 'Section 508' compliance Act.

But as you said RadScheduler doesn't have keyboard support and it is not directly compliant with the 'Section 508'. What do you mean by "directly compliant"? Is some of the features of RadScheduler support 'Section 508' Compliance?

And which features are required in RadScheduler to completely satisfy with the 'Section 508' Compliance Act.?

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answered on 09 Jan 2009, 07:00 AM
Please respond!
Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
answered on 09 Jan 2009, 09:27 AM
Hi Adeel,

We can assure you that we have the best intentions to make RadScheduler compliant with Section 508 Compliance Act, but for now there is no fixed date for when this will happen.

I apologize for the misleading information listed on our web site, it will be fixed as soon as possible.

By directly compliant I meant that RadScheduler supports most of the Section 508 guidelines with the exclusion of providing an alternative text-only page with the control content (this should be best handled by the developer, since its implementation can vary) and providing a keyboard only navigation (this guideline is not listed in the Web part of the Act, but in Software, so I'm not even sure if it applies).

Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team

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answered on 10 May 2010, 03:13 PM
The page referenced above says that RadScheduler is 508 compliant. Does that mean that the page was never updated, or that the RadScheduler is now compliant?

Also, your implication is that you expect the developer to create a text equivalent page for the RadScheduler -- is that the case for all of the controls that you claim to be 508 compliant? Have you made that clear in the documentation? That seems to be a bit of a poor work around to claiming your library is 508 compliant.
T. Tsonev
Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2010, 03:10 PM

Currently, RadScheduler component does not have full keyboard support and is not fully compliant. We will note this in the compliance page. We have plans to implement this feature, as well as other accessibility improvements in the future, but customers should be made aware of this limitation.

We believe that providing a text-only equivalent should be left to the developer. Not that this feature is hard to implement, but we don't think that our implementation will suit every scenario (if any). Such text version is likely to be heavily customized, with little or no styling and client-side functionality. We can however help with preparing the data to be shown and we have a KB article and other resources addressing this problem:

I hope this helps.

Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team

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answered on 08 Apr 2011, 11:37 AM

I am currently evaluating the Telerik RadScheduler control for ASP.NET AJAX applications. I have one related to it.

Does the latest version of radScheduler support keyboard support? eg. Delete appointment when 'del' key is pressed, Or tabbed navigation etc.

Also can you please guide me how I can make scheduler change the text (like days,week, Monday, tuesday etc) based on language selected by a user. say user has selected finnish language.

Will be happy if someone could answer it.


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answered on 03 Dec 2013, 12:46 AM
Just an FYI for those of you that might find this thread, RadScheduler is not yet 508 Compliant as of 12/2/2013. Particularly, the keyboard support is missing - for instance, you cannot use the "tab" key to navigate between the timeslots.
Telerik team
answered on 03 Dec 2013, 09:27 AM

RadScheduler does have keyboard support, as shown in the following demo:

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answered on 05 Dec 2013, 09:38 PM
Hi Bozhindar,

Thanks for the link to the demo. I'd actually never seen that before. It's hard to believe that I missed it, but I did!

I wanted to take my time reviewing the functionality before replying back to this thread. I've found three bugs that exist in the RadControls ASP.NET AJAX version 2013.3.1114.40 and version 2013.1.417.40 (and probably other versions as well).

I have verified the existence of these bugs by creating two basic web pages: one that uses server side binding and one that uses client side binding. The client side binding page does not work correctly.

Bug #1: The "tab" button does not switch focus among appointments when using client side data binding. 

Bug #2: (This may be the same bug as #1): When using client side data binding, when you open the appointment editor, the "tab" button does not switch focus among the fields on the editor.

Bug #3: Server side binding does not properly data bind to appointments whose ID is null. There is no error and no warning; the scheduler simply loads but with no appointments. (Note that this bug does NOT exist with client side binding.) In my application I do not use the ID field. So in my server side binding demo page I had to add a bogus value in the ID field in order for the data binding to function correctly.

I will submit the bugs above using my Telerik account.

Telerik team
answered on 06 Dec 2013, 12:43 PM
Hello Vince,

I've logged the issues you reported for fixing. I'm also posting the workarounds for the first two issues here as well, so that others can see how to fix them:

First issue - add the following code to the OnClientAppointmentsPopulated event:
function OnClientAppointmentsPopulated(sender, args) {
    sender._navigator._tabNavigator = new Telerik.Web.UI.Scheduler.KeyboardNavigation.Modules.TabNavigator();

Second issue - add the following code to the OnClientFormCreated event:
function OnClientFormCreated(sender, args) {
and the following override on the same page:
var originalHandler = Telerik.Web.UI.RadScheduler.prototype.hideAdvancedForm;
Telerik.Web.UI.RadScheduler.prototype.hideAdvancedForm = function() {

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Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
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T. Tsonev
Telerik team
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