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Is RadFileExplorer the right tool for me?

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Eric asked on 19 Mar 2009, 12:21 PM

I am aiming to display various kinds of hierachies in a "Windows Explorer" Look and Feel way.

The paradigm of Directory/File is quite good as my hierarchies have potentially two types of nodes that can be assimilated to Directories and Files.
On the other hand, the concept of Size and File Extension are irrelevant to me so I would have to hide that.
I would also need to enable drag and drop everywhere as well as right click menus (that may adapt to the current directory/file).

I am not too sure how easy it would be to modify the RadFileExplorer "on the fly" because I don't seem to have design time access to the elements I need to add or hide/remove.

Does it sound like the RadFileExplorer is the right tool for me, or do you think it would be easier to do it all myself from scratch?


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Tom Gioconda
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answered on 19 Mar 2009, 07:10 PM
There are a significant amount of bugs in the released version of RadFileExplorer (OnClientDelete is broken, for example, and set_cancel(true) seems iffy in there too... among other things).  The lack of documentation and examples means that you're going to spend a lot of time struggling with stuff you shouldn't have to struggle with.  The ContentProvider stuff is especially arcane - telerik support will likely link to their example on how to use it as well as the class docs, but they are rather obtuse and not helpful.  You basically have to create your own documentation via answers received from support tickets.

In my view, the tool is not production ready (you need the latest internal build, 2009_1_318, to get OnClientDelete to function properly... mostly).  I'm using it for an admin tool (well... trying to, anyway), but I wouldn't let regular users near it until telerik polishes it up, and who knows what their ETA is for SP1.

At any rate, it sounds like you have a pretty complex use for it, and while you should probably investigate how the ContentProvider would work, you'd probably be better off just using the Grid, Toolbar, Treeview, and Upload controls to make your own composite control. That's really all the FileExplorer is anyway - telerik is just trying to make it easier for the general case to do something like this.
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answered on 20 Mar 2009, 09:01 AM

Thanks for your answer.
I looked into the ContentProvider and was effectively disappointed by the documentation overal. I would have liked to have a summary of which methods are called when, etc...
Having said that, the examples were enough to show me quite clearly that I'll be much better doing it myself.


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Tom Gioconda
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