I have saved my word files in the database as blob file. When i open that file is it possible to open using rad editor
And provide a functionality to edit the document and save it back to database.
Keep in mind though that there are limitations in the import/export functionality of RadEditor. Here is more info on the matter:
RadEditor uses two different free libraries to provide Import to RTF and Export to RTF features.
The first one used to provide RFT to HTML importation is available in this CodeProject's article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/RtfConverter.aspx.
The library used for HTML to RTF exportation is available here http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/RtfConverter.aspx.
As you can see both libraries are written by different developers and they are not fully compatible with each other.
For your convenience I prepared a list of know limitations of the Import and Export features of both libraries:
RFT to HTML (Import) bold - supported. I was able to export bold formatting from the provided by you Bold.rtf file. italic - supported
underline - supported
foreground and background colors - supported
table elements - unsupported
images- unsupported
indentations - unsupported
HTML to RTF (export)
bold - supported. italic - supported
underline - unsupported
foreground and background colors - unsupported
table elements - partially supported - table borders are not exported
images- unsupported
indentations - supported
The unsupported scenarios are hard for development and require more time for implementations and testing. Our development is concentrated currently on producing valid XHTML content and the import and export problems are logged with medium priority in our ToDo list. That is why we could not provide firm estimate for when this feature will be available.
You should also note that good RTF import and export tools are very expensive and if we integrate such tools in RadEditor, the price of the Telerik suite will increase. That is why if you are currently not satisfied with the offered by RadEditor RTF functionality, you can search in Internet for another free or paid RTF to HTML importation and HTML to RTF exportation tools and we will help you to integrate them with RadEditor.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
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Hi, Nirmala.
As for me, I have only tried to open the Word documents with the help of the Word reader. But I have never tried to open it using rad editor. So I wonder whether you have succeeded in it? I hope you success.Good luck.