We are upgrading Classic RadEditor to RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX 2008.31125 and I have a quick question for you.
Is it somehow possible to get HTML output from RadEditor ASP.NET AJAX 2008.31125. I know it gives out of the box XHML enabled output.
We use radeditor a lot in our application and in one of the places, we were passing classic RadEditor's output to an HTMLParser/Leadtools for drawing HTML text on images. Please let me know.
Thanks, Lakshman
4 Answers, 1 is accepted
Please review the following online demo:
You can disable all editor content filters that "fix" the browser produced content by setting
Thus, the content returned by the editor will not be modified in any ways - and will be as the browser produced it.
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RadEditor1.ContentFilters =
Setting this worked on FF and IE. For example adding Bold, Italic, Underline and Size 6, gives me this HTML on IE and FF:
<font size="6"><u><i><b>Test</b></i></u></font>
Whereas, this does not work very well on Safari and this is the output I get:
<span style="font-weight: bold;"><span style="font-style: italic;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="font-size: xx-large;">Test</span></span></span></span>
Please let me know how can I get this fixed.
Thanks, Lakshman
The produced content with span tags and inline styles attributes under Safari is not generated by the RadEditor filters but by the browser itself. You have already verified this yourself by disabling the content filters after setting ContentFilters="None".
Unfortunately Safari does not offer the styleWithCSS execCommand property and it is not possible to tell the browser to produce content with <u>, <b> and <i> tags. You can see the bug tracking thread for more information: http://markmail.org/message/cmus6tgbpqn7ur6s#query:styleWithCSS%20safari+page:1+mid:uzmvj6v3rqrn3pyu+state:results
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the Telerik team
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