11 Answers, 1 is accepted
RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX are not available in NuGet and our suggestion is to download the hotfix from our site which include the controls' assemblies and their resource files.
Kind regards,
the Telerik team

I am sorry for the delay. We will need some more time for research since we don't have much knowledge about creating NuGet packages. Meanwhile you can check the following article about Creating and Publishing NuGet Package and see if it helps you in some way.
the Telerik team

We have also been exploring other ways to manage external dependencies and have looked at combining an internal NuGet server.
I am curious on what Telerik would consider a best practice with regard to managing external assemblies (theirs or otherwise) with larger project teams, as installing and updating the Telerik libraries on each work station and potentially each build server is not ideal.
With the NuGet package managers capabilities we are also starting to consider moving away from keeping all of the external assembly dependencies out of our source control system and instead rely on NuGet to manage that part.
So, for us, having NuGet packages that we could host internally would be very helpful. In addition, I would love to have the ability to just add a Telerik NuGet package server eg: https://nuget.telerik.com that we could use to access our licensed products.
Anyway, I am curious about what peoples thoughts are on how NuGet and I suspect other package managers being developed impact some traditional approaces to external assembly management.
The practice we have been recommending is just adding your external dependencies in source control. As far as I am aware, most (if not all) teams here at Telerik do just that for external dependencies as well.
We have been receiving a lot of requests for making our products useable through NuGet, but have not received too much feedback on how customers expect things to work. Besides distributing the actual assemblies, most of our products ship with a lot of tooling, which cannot be distributed through NuGet.
As far as plans go - having in mind NuGet 2.0 just got released, we are planning to reevaluate our options to ship components through NuGet. As always, all ideas and feedback are most welcome.
All the best,
the Telerik team

Provide a base runtime NuGet package that may not have all of the VS extensions/tooling that you are talking about and leave that piece to your standard MSI installer. Then the installer can have as a custom installation option the ability to install the items that would be in any VS solution/project as a NuGet package. With this option, you could then add a private Telerik NuGet repository that has the NuGet package available and then the VS integration could sense if Telerik's NuGet package is not installed. If not, then maybe a pop-up could then provide a link to the package manager in Visual Studio to go get the package and install it.
That logic within the VS integration would not have to be enabled if the installation option to use NuGet is not chosen and it could then run in your current standard way.
Just an idea on how it could work without bothering customers who do not (yet!) want to use NuGet.
Thanks for your great product...
Thank you for taking the time and sharing your thoughts.
Your idea sounds reasonable and will be taken into consideration when exploring our options for deploying our stuff through NuGet.
All the best,
the Telerik team

We just published a blog post with our current research and status:
NuGet or Not for Telerik?
All the best,
the Telerik team