Interactive sorting and conditioned merging of fields

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CrossTab Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Sorting
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Tamara asked on 06 Nov 2023, 04:31 PM | edited on 06 Nov 2023, 04:32 PM


I have two questions,

  1. I have a crosstab table with one group and data(fields) from data source. Before clicking on the preview I have some parameters I need to fill, and I would like to have an option for sorting my table. For example having a parameter that is a list of fields from my data source (also used in a crosstab table) as an option, when I click on one of the fields and preview, table is sorted by the option I chose. For better understanding, here is an a example - I chose sort by date (cause Fields.Date exists in data source) before generating, click on preview , all my data is going to be sorted by the group from above and then dates. When I want to generate report again, this time I choose to sort by document number (Fields.DocumentNumber exists in my table and data source) and it generates the report having a group from above and then a sorting by Document Number. How can I achieve that ? I am using Telerik reporting R3 2022.
  2. I have two text boxes A and B in two columns next to each other in my crosstab. B is conditioned for visibility by binding. When B is unvisible (because the condition = false) I would like to merge my textbox A with B so I have a larger textbox A. And when B is visible (condition = true), everything is back to normal, meaning A has its text box in A's column like before and B has its own text box in B's column. Would that be possible?

     Thanks in advance! Hope to hear from you soon!

    Best regards,

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answered on 09 Nov 2023, 09:03 AM

Hello Tamara,

Regarding your first question, I believe that using the Fields Report Function in a crosstab sorting rule should get the desired result. I am attaching a demo report, for reference.

Regarding your second question, I cannot think of a straightforward way to achieve what you described. Still, a workaround that should work is to have two copies of the table, one where the cells are merged and one where they are not, and to hide/show them with a binding that uses your existing condition for cell B. 

I hope these suggestions can help you get the desired effect.

Best Regards,
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CrossTab Report Designer (standalone) Report Parameters Sorting
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