This is my RadListBox
<tele:RadListBox ID="listboxview" runat="server" Height="500px" Width="100%" Font-Size="11px" DataTextField="master"
DataValueField="master" OnClientSelectedIndexChanged="putTag" OnItemDataBound="listboxview_ItemDataBound" ></tele:RadListBox>
This is my RadEditor
<tele:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" ToolbarMode="RibbonBar" AutoResizeHeight="true" Skin="Office2007" EnableResize="false" Height="760px" _ToolsFile="tools.xml" Width="100%" > </tele:RadEditor>
This is my Javascript method for pasting the Text to the Cursor Postion.
function putTag(sender, eventArgs) {
var itemsValue = sender.get_selectedItem().get_value(); // i got the value there from selecting the Item in the Listview
var editor = $find("<%= RadEditor1.ClientID %>");
var rng = editor.getSelection().getRange();
editor.pasteHtml("[/" + itemsValue + "/]");
when i click on the Listview then i want the text to the RadHtmlEditor, but using the Following codes i cant do this.
Plz correct my code.