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InLine Edit w/all rows in edit mode and single Save/Cancel

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Shane asked on 30 Jul 2012, 09:00 PM
Does anyone have a sample/example for the following situation?  I looked at the demos and can see parts here and there but still some gaps I can't seem to fill.

Here is the scenario:
I have a work order screen with some header information (ie work order #, start date, product, etc) and then below that a RadGrid with a list of some work order details for tracking scrap material generated while processing that work order. 

In this case I would like the use case to be the following:
  1. User selects work order from a search screen (already have this so not a big deal)
  2. When the scenario screen opens, I want the header and all grid row items (2 to 5 rows typically) to be in edit mode by default (ie AllowMultiRowEdit=true) with InLine edits all in edit mode.
  3. Instead of each grid row having it's own Update / Cancel, I would rather hide that and have a single Save/Cancel at the top of the screen. 

I have looked at the Kendo solution, however we would prefer to use the RadGrid solution if possible.

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answered on 01 Aug 2012, 02:01 PM
Hello Shane,

I suggest you to check out the following articles:
  Batch Server Update
  Performing Batch Updates
  Put All Items in Edit Mode

I hope this will prove helpful.

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