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Inline Edit

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Sathish asked on 25 Oct 2010, 05:10 PM

Is it possible to do inline edits? On all fields?

For all the forms, currently I have 2 different views, one for edit and one for viewing only. this causes almost 2wice the work. I would love it if telerik controls can have inline edits. Basically, it should look like you are viewing the values, but when you click on it, it should either turn into a textbox or the appropriate control.


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answered on 26 Oct 2010, 07:35 AM
Hello Sathish,

Here is a live demo showing similar functionality with double click on a cell and the corresponding help article. The grid supports in-place editting by setting the EditMode="InPlace" in the MasterTableView. You can also put all the items in edit mode as shown in this help topic. Here is also a demo showing whole row edit on double click.

Let me know how this works for you and if you have any other questions.

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