Hi there,
I have a problem.
I have a datargid named ABFASearchGrid that is inherited from RadGrid.
I copied the telerik skin folder to app-theme.
In a from i have a radgrid and an ABFASearchgrid.
Radgrid take the style of telerik skin ,but unfortunately abfasearchgrid did not take the telerik style.
I set the css class of abfasearchgrid in aspx file manually,but after rendering page when i saw the html source of page,i saw this
for abfasearchgrid
<div id="ssss" class=" RadGrid_Telerik" cellspacing="0" rules="all" EnableAJAX="True" id="ssss" class=" RadGrid_Telerik" cellspacing="0" rules="all" EnableAJAX="True" style="border-collapse:collapse;border-collapse:collapse;">
and this for radgrid
<div id="rdgWaterPriceWorkList" class="RadGrid RadGrid_Telerik"
plz help me
there was a space in the first letter of class name.
I have a problem.
I have a datargid named ABFASearchGrid that is inherited from RadGrid.
I copied the telerik skin folder to app-theme.
In a from i have a radgrid and an ABFASearchgrid.
Radgrid take the style of telerik skin ,but unfortunately abfasearchgrid did not take the telerik style.
I set the css class of abfasearchgrid in aspx file manually,but after rendering page when i saw the html source of page,i saw this
for abfasearchgrid
<div id="ssss" class=" RadGrid_Telerik" cellspacing="0" rules="all" EnableAJAX="True" id="ssss" class=" RadGrid_Telerik" cellspacing="0" rules="all" EnableAJAX="True" style="border-collapse:collapse;border-collapse:collapse;">
and this for radgrid
<div id="rdgWaterPriceWorkList" class="RadGrid RadGrid_Telerik"
plz help me
there was a space in the first letter of class name.