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Inconsistent UI Data Editing Control API (Labels)

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Chris asked on 10 Jan 2017, 06:51 PM

8 years ago this was first brought up, and only the RadComboBox was update to reflect the lack of Labels.

This December someone was looking for how to get a Label on the RadDropDownList control, they were given a hack as a solution.

Lastly, all controls that *do* have a label, do not have consistent labeling schemes.For example the RadDateInput control has a Label, while RadDatePicker has RadInput-Label for what is apparently the same thing.


Which leads me to the following point:
What accounts for this inconsistency?

Why do I have to sometimes hack in labels, when the controls I'm using are all apparently similar Data Editing controls but exposing a different API?
Why do I have to hack in different CSS, when the labels are not following the same conventions?
This was originally brought up 8 years ago, will we be seeing an update in the near future that corrects this oversight?
Lastly, what does a developer like myself have to do to make all labels consistent in the meanwhile?


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Konstantin Dikov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Jan 2017, 09:50 AM
Hi Chris,

The Label property of the control behaves differently, because each control have its own structure and specificity. This was a major issue through the years and that is why we have introduced a RadLabel control that could be used separately:
With the RadLabel control you will have a consistent behavior, regardless of the associated control.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
Konstantin Dikov
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Konstantin Dikov
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