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In Line Edit Dynamic Columns

6 Answers 155 Views
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Sathak asked on 23 Dec 2008, 11:18 AM
Can we Implemented InLine Edit For Autogenerated Columns. i am using rad grid to display records based on the Query. Based on the Query the Columns will generated. the columns count may change based on the Query in the same page.Need help to implement the inline edit. the example source code is below.

DataSet dsListing = objDynamicFormTransaction.Listing(intAgency, int.Parse(SurveyID), 0, strUserName, strFilterXml, strVirtualDirectoryForPopUp);
grdListing.ColumnCreated += new GridColumnCreatedEventHandler(grdListing_ColumnCreated);
grdListing.DataSource = dsListing;

Here i set autogeneratedcolumnsatruntime to true for the radgrid. In That Code based on the SurveyId the Column count will differ. i need help to implement the In LIne Edit

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answered on 23 Dec 2008, 11:55 AM
Hello Sathak,

To set the EditMode for the grid as InPlace, you xcan try out the either of the following codes:

aspx(to set the EditMode declaratively):
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" > 
     <MasterTableView DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" EditMode="InPlace" > 

cs(to set the EditMode dynamically):
RadGrid1.MasterTableView.EditMode = GridEditMode.InPlace


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answered on 23 Dec 2008, 12:02 PM
hi princy,

            That i set already my exact problem is we are binding the data to the grid dynamically. the Edit function Works well. But Unable to do update or cancel. while performing those operations fires a script error
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answered on 23 Dec 2008, 12:09 PM
Hi Sathak,

Can you specify the script error that you are getting? I would also suggest you to use AdvanceDataBinding techniques to bind the Grid.
Advanced data-binding

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answered on 23 Dec 2008, 12:18 PM

Hi Shinu

Thanks for your response.Here is the script Error.


after that i add the Enableeventvalidation=false in that page after that am getting the below error.

Server Error in '/Infoknowlogy' Application.

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client(ctl00$SuperMasterPlaceHolder$ucformctrl$grdListing$ctl00$ctl05$ctl02="<ahref=FormDataEdit...").

Description:Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value,and processing of the request has been aborted. This value may indicate anattempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-sitescripting attack. You can disable request validation by settingvalidateRequest=false in the Page directive or in the
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answered on 24 Dec 2008, 05:45 AM
Hi Sathak,

Try to set the validateRequest to false in the webconfig inside the <system.web> section as shown below.

    <pages validateRequest="false" />


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answered on 24 Dec 2008, 05:55 AM
Hi Shinu 
        i add this already in the web.config and in the Page tag of the webform.BUt Still i am getting the error.
    <pages validateRequest="false" />
        My Main Question is Can we implement Inline Edit of autogenerated Columns. i Have a stored procedure that returns different columns from different tables based on the request(Dynamic Web Form Concept). The Columns Count must differ for every forms. i.e. i use a single stored procudure to return Listing Values to all Dynamic Forms. I need Help on this. While implementing InLine Edit to static Forms it works well. The Dynamic Forms have the Problem. I expect a better solution for InLine Edit Of Dynamic Forms(We Can Create Fields Dynamically from The Application and Can add Edit Delete records). Please Help me asap.
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