In a graph, how to create padding between y-axis label and axis line

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Graph Report Designer - Web Report Designer (standalone)
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Srikar asked on 16 Nov 2023, 06:18 PM

I have 2 graphs with DateTime scales. But when the data is populated the graphs are misaligned slightly to right as below image, this is because graph1 has a y-axis labeled as 01-June and graph 2 has  31-May. Looks like because of the character's size 'Jun' and 'May', the graph representing May is slightly moved to the right. How do I adjust the spacing/padding between label and axis line ? I' using the telrik v17.1.23.



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answered on 21 Nov 2023, 11:09 AM

Hello Srikar,

I created two identical Graphs receiving different data to test. I decreased the Graph width so that the date '31.May' didn't fit. Note that it was wrapped on the next line. The category slot widths seem to remain the same in the two Graphs.

Here is how they looked when previewed in the Standalone Report Designer:

Generally, the category slot width depends on the overall Graph width, the legend position/width/styles, axes values and styles, and the number of categories. If all Graph styles are identical, like in my sample, the misalignment may come from the different number of categories/dates or different label widths in Y-axes. I cannot determine this from the screenshot.

If you want us to investigate further you may send a sample runnable report showing the problem.

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Graph Report Designer - Web Report Designer (standalone)
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