Is there a way to minimize the ammount of requests performed by the RadGrid control? Telerik controls are performing a lot of requests for retrieving skins and JS files required by the component. Is there anything already provided by Telerik for bundling these multiple requests in perhaps two requests? One would be for a single minified JS file and the other one for all of the styles required.
1) I am using the default Skin for the RadGrid.
2) I cannot rely in caching because it's disabled in a global scope. It cannot be enabled.
3) For security policies, I cannot use Telerik CDN's.
4) I am applying the following techniques but caching. The response time is still slow. The initial call takes about 5 seconds, changing pages takes just 2 seconds (Paging made via Ajax and implementing custom pagination). The main problem is the initial rendering. The target would be 2 seconds to process the page.
Does anyone have any suggestions or faced a scenario similar to the one I am describing?
Thanks in advance,