I can find my RadEditor in the the EditForm Template in ItemDataBound or ItemCreated using the code below.
It finds the editor because I can set it to be invisible, no problem.
However, I'm trying to set the ImageManager.ViewPaths and I just can't get it to works.
All help most appreciated.
I can find my RadEditor in the the EditForm Template in ItemDataBound or ItemCreated using the code below.
It finds the editor because I can set it to be invisible, no problem.
However, I'm trying to set the ImageManager.ViewPaths and I just can't get it to works.
If (TypeOf e.Item Is GridEditableItem AndAlso e.Item.IsInEditMode) Then
Dim editFormItem As GridEditFormItem = DirectCast(e.Item, GridEditFormItem)
Dim _reJobDesc As RadEditor = DirectCast(editFormItem.FindControl("reJobDesc"), RadEditor)
'_reJobDesc.Visible = False
Dim _clID As String = _UsersDB.GetCLIDByScID(sInt)
_reJobDesc.ImageManager.ViewPaths = New String() {"~/folders/clients/" & _clID & "/images/"}
All help most appreciated.