I searching solution to read a textbox value from Page and use to set the path of ImageManager. I tried with javascripting and I'm be abble to read and sent the value in input hidden but not to retrieve in the codebehind. Object : create specific folders using the value added by user.
Reading the value from textBox
1/ Directly in Load_Page : No Value found
string folder1 = myval1.Value;
string folder2 = myval2.Value;
2/ No found
string folder1 = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("myval1").InnerText;
3/ If (!PostBack) No found
4/ Request Form Not accepted by my sol need web.config
string folder1 = Request.Form["myval1"];
It's possible to define the ImageManager path in javascripting to use my value ?.
Other solution to pass one value from TextBox in Page to ImageManager ?.
Nobody send value from javascript to codebehind?
Any help are welcome, Regards.
I searching solution to read a textbox value from Page and use to set the path of ImageManager. I tried with javascripting and I'm be abble to read and sent the value in input hidden but not to retrieve in the codebehind. Object : create specific folders using the value added by user.
Reading the value from textBox
mytitle = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_contolPanel_ctl00_ctl00_Title").value;
var myauthor = document.getElementsByName("ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$contolPanel$ctl00$ctl00$editMetaFields$ctl00$Author")[0].value;
Passing to my input hidden<
input id="myval1" type="hidden" runat="server" enableviewstate="true" />
Retrievin as Codebehind : NO WORKING1/ Directly in Load_Page : No Value found
string folder1 = myval1.Value;
string folder2 = myval2.Value;
2/ No found
string folder1 = webBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("myval1").InnerText;
3/ If (!PostBack) No found
4/ Request Form Not accepted by my sol need web.config
string folder1 = Request.Form["myval1"];
It's possible to define the ImageManager path in javascripting to use my value ?.
Other solution to pass one value from TextBox in Page to ImageManager ?.
Nobody send value from javascript to codebehind?
Any help are welcome, Regards.