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Image Map Editor's Call Image Manager button permission?

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Jo Bert
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Jo Bert asked on 13 Nov 2008, 12:37 AM
Hi Telerik Team,

I want to clarify something regarding the Image Map Editor in the RadEditor. Whenever I click the Image Map editor button and select the Call Image Manager button (...) in the pop up window with a User/Contributor access only, it returns an access denied error. But if I have the Admin account, I can use this without error. Is there a way to remove the security permission to avoid that access denied error?

Jo Bert

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Telerik team
answered on 17 Nov 2008, 04:05 PM
Hi Jo Bert,

Currently, the logged-in user does not have permissions to the SharePoint libraries that load in the Image Manager
either modify the permissions for the SharePoint lists, or limit the number of libraries shown by using the ImagesPaths property in the editor configuration file.

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Jo Bert
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answered on 18 Nov 2008, 10:06 AM
Hi Rumen,

I currently deployed the 5.3 version of RadEditor in our server and the default toolbar for adding images is the ImageManager. I tried to set the property of the ImagePaths to show only a specific library and it works properly. But when I have a read only permission in a site, when i upload an image, it will display Access denied, which is the expected result, but when you click cancel and refresh the page, the item will still be added in the library. can you help me about this?

One more thing, I tried to add the MOSSImageManager, but I can still see the other lists and libraries under my site. Is there a way to limit or specify a specific library to show upon clicking the browse button?

Telerik team
answered on 21 Nov 2008, 12:42 PM
Hello Jo Bert,

The MOSSImageManager is the default image picker dialog in MOSS 2007. I don't think you can configure it from out editor. On the other hand, it seems strange that you manage to upload the file using our Image Manager dialog. SharePoint 2007 works with impersonation, so the upload operation will be performed with the credentials of the currently logged in user. If they have contribute permissions for the list, the file will be uploaded. Otherwise nothing should happen.

Perhaps the access denied error is not because the user has no contribute rights for the list, but because they do not have read rights for one of the parent sites. I think the editor finds the list by starting from the site collection level and it checks permissions on each step. Please see if this is the problem in your case (i.e. user does not have rights for one of the parent sites).

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Jo Bert
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