I think I'm missing something obvious, but I surrender. I have an editor with the image manager tool enabled. Below is my code behind code setting it all up, you can see that I create the directory if it is not there. The image uploads successfully and is in the right directory. However I am getting these three errors
- After an upload – You are trying to navigate to a non-existing folder or you do not have proper permissions…
- After I try the Image Edit - ImageEditor_Common_MessageCannotWriteToFolder
- After I try to Delete – The selected file could not be deleted because the application did not have enough permissions.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
'set imagemanager paths
Dim sImage As String = SSG.BYOC.Shared.Resource.GetClassroomSaveToFilePath(AppConfig.ClassroomFileUploadRoot, ClassID)
Dim sImagePath As String = Server.MapPath(sImage)
Dim imagePath As String() = New String() {sImage}
' Dim imageFilters As String() = New String() {"gif", "jpg", "jpeg", "png"}
If Directory.Exists(sImagePath) = False Then
End If
'ctlDescription.ImageManager.SearchPatterns = imageFilters
ctlDescription.ImageManager.ViewPaths = imagePath
ctlDescription.ImageManager.UploadPaths = imagePath
ctlDescription.ImageManager.DeletePaths = imagePath