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IE8 grid headers not taking proper width unless specifically set

3 Answers 87 Views
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Adam Ooten
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Adam Ooten asked on 25 Mar 2009, 08:57 PM
I know their are bugs with the controls in IE8, but I figure we should log them anyway in case someone runs into a particular issue.  So here goes...

In IE8 if I don't sent the column width in some way, the header width sets itself to width of the header text and not to the item's width if the text is longer. So then the other headers don't line up with their proper columns.  In my case, I have every column in my grid set to a specific width except the EMAIL.  That is so if there is a long email address it can grow as needed.  Not sure if any of that makes sense, so check out what I get now in IE8:

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Adam Ooten
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 09:04 PM
Also Firefox 3.1 beta 3 gets a bit closer, but still messed up:

The Firefox breakage also applies to Chrome and Safari.
Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2009, 09:17 AM
Hello Adam,

We are aware of this IE 8 issue with the column cell alignments and will do everything possible to address it for the Q1 2009 SP1 version of the product, expected in the first days of April. In the meantime you can set the compatibility tag to simulate IE 7 mode to avoid the unwanted effect.

Browsers in beta stage are not supported officially (FireFox 3.1 Beta 3). To avoid the overlapping the cell borders of header text/dropdown elements, consider setting explicitly HeaderStyle -> Width for these columns to ensure that the content will be accommodated in them.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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Adam Ooten
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answered on 26 Mar 2009, 01:52 PM
I do know telerik does not officially support beta browsers, but I figure you have to be still testing them since they will eventually release it? 

Thanks for the tip on the Header Style Width though, that did fix some of the FF issues.
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Adam Ooten
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Adam Ooten
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Telerik team
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