I have a bar chart that displays correctly in IE9, but not IE8 and IE7. In IE8 and IE7 there is also a JavaScript error message: "Error: Unable to get value of the property 'clone': object is null or undefined". The JavaScript error however does not appear if a chart title is specified.
The chart displays correctly in IE8 and IE7 if either: 1. the chart border is removed, or 2. a chart height is speciifed. The error can be reproduced with the following chart. Again, the chart displays correctly in IE9, but not IE8 and IE7.
<telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" ID="chart" BorderColor="Black" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1">
<telerik:BarSeries Name="2009">
<telerik:SeriesItem YValue="116" />
<telerik:SeriesItem YValue="332" />
<telerik:SeriesItem YValue="213" />
Is the HtmlChart compatible with IE7 and IE8? If so, is there a limitation that I'm not aware of, or is this a bug?