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IE "X" clears content but does not raise grid command event

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Albert Shenker
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Albert Shenker asked on 21 Mar 2017, 01:42 PM

I believe this issue has been brought up in other threads. The IE browser displays an "x" in text input controls which can be used to clear the contents of the control. Clicking on it works, but it does not behave the same as when the user selects the content and hits the backspace or delete keys. Clicking on the "X" in the filter textbox does not raise the GridCommand client=side event which I am using to perform my filtering with a webservice.

Is there a way around this issue? I realize the "x" is not a Telerik feature, however, it makes it so using Telerik controls with IE can cause problems in certain scenarios. Since this "x" issue has been around for a while, I'm hoping you guys have figured out a way around it.

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Telerik team
answered on 24 Mar 2017, 08:25 AM
Hello Al,

Yes, this X button is IE specific and not related to Telerik. You can remove it using CSS to prevent misleading the users and to offer the same appearance and functionality on all browsers:

If you prefer to have a small X button next to filter inputs, we can prepare a sample RadGrid web site to demonstrate how you can achieve this requirement and send it to you.

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Albert Shenker
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Telerik team
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