I use dynamic table for Telerik Report porpose.I already created Telerik Report but when I use Dataset I can not show the fields of table How can I show the values of Dataset in report.
Note : I did not define any field in design section because I do not know it and also Dataset is not empty
Since my T-SQL is dynamic, i can not assign fields to tables at the report design. I wonder how i can assign fields ?
my code is as follow;
private void rpt_MPDlist_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection connSomsys = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["conStr"]);
SqlCommand selectCurrentYearTot;
selectCurrentYearTot = new SqlCommand("CNF_MPDRelatedModList_search",connSomsys);
selectCurrentYearTot.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
selectCurrentYearTot.Parameters.AddWithValue("@table", this.ReportParameters["table"].Value);
SqlDataAdapter adapter2 = new SqlDataAdapter(selectCurrentYearTot);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
table1.DataSource = ds;
T-SQL code;
CREATE procedure CNF_MPDRelatedModList_search
@table as nvarchar (200)
declare @filename as nvarchar (400)
declare @sql as nvarchar (4000)
set @filename=@table
declare @deneme as nvarchar (4000)
set @deneme='2'
set @SQL = replace(replace('select ATA_SB_NO,TITLE,MOD_NO,MP_NO,COMPLIANCE,EO_NO,NOTES from (SELECT ATA_SB_NO,TITLE,MOD_NO,cast (len (MOD_NO)as int) MD,MP_NO,cast (len (MP_NO) as int) MP,COMPLIANCE,EO_NO,NOTES FROM @filename )mst where MP >@deneme and M
D >@deneme' ,'@filename', @filename ),'@deneme',@deneme )
exec sp_executesql @SQL
8 Answers, 1 is accepted
The Table item is a Data Item so it requires a data source to be set and also it requires a definition (assign fields and set up groups). The referenced help section about the Table item covers its structure and basic concepts, so I highly recommend reviewing those, but I would nevertheless try to list them here in brief.
Telerik Reporting's Table item is built on a concept different than the regular grid components. While the grids are usually based on the rows and columns abstraction and display dynamic data by rows, the Telerik Reporting's Table item can display dynamic data by rows and/or columns that extends greatly the flexibility of the report.
As you have already noticed the most important part of the Table item (the Table, the Crosstab and the List items are actually the same Table item with different initial settings) are the Row and Column group hierarchies. The groups in the RowGroups hierarchy define rules how the rows of the Table will be repeated, while the groups in the ColumnGroups hierarchy are responsible for the columns. So the leaf groups in the RowGroups (leaf group has no child groups) defines the rows in the Table Body while the leaf column groups define the columns of the Table Body.
Depending on the grouping criteria, we have:
- dynamic groups - have any Grouping expression, ex. group1.Grouping.Add(new Grouping("=Fields.Country")). For the dynamic groups, the corresponding row/column will repeat for every record of the grouped data.
- static groups - no grouping criteria at all. For the static groups the corresponding row/column is rendered only once.
- detail groups -have a single empty grouping, ex. group1.Grouping.Add(new Grouping()). Usually you have only one row -or- column detail group. For a detail group the corresponding row/column is repeated for every row of the Table's data source. You may think of the detail TableGroup as the Report's Detail section.
Since we have Row and Column group hierarchies this means that one group may contain one or more child groups and you may have one or more root groups.
Depending on the configuration you may create:
- a simple static grid for ordering items by rows/columns. Use only static groups for the rows and columns.
- regular (vertical) table - the data records are displayed by rows. Define one detail group for the Row hierarchy and static column groups to define the columns.
- master-detail table - define one or more levels of nested row groups and if needed add a detail group to the end: [County] - [City] - [Detail]
- horizontal table - the data records are rendered by columns. Define one detail column group and put some static row groups to define the Table Body's rows.
- cross table/pivot table - Define dynamic groups in both Rows and Columns hierarchies; use aggregates for the body cells.
Having the above in mind, we highly recommend creating the desired table through the Report Designer first and then review the code in the InitializeComponent to see the internal structure.
Eitherway I've attached a sample project showing you how to create a dynamic table based on the data source columns.
the Telerik team
How can we add dynamic RowGroups in auto generated column.
I have written the code like
Telerik.Reporting.TableGroup group1 = new Telerik.Reporting.TableGroup();
group1.Groupings.Add(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Grouping("=Fields.State"));
group1.Sortings.Add(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Sorting("=Fields.State", Telerik.Reporting.Data.SortDirection.Asc));
Telerik.Reporting.TextBox textBox1 = new Telerik.Reporting.TextBox();
group1.ReportItem = textBox1;
But its giving me object reference error.
The provided error is generic one and doesn't give us enough information. Generally a table Row Group needs a detail group as a child. Another thing we have noticed in the provided code is that you have ommited the Group.Name properties that are obligatory.
tableGroup3.Groupings.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Grouping[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Grouping("")});
tableGroup3.Name = "Detail";
tableGroup2.Groupings.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Grouping[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Grouping("=Fields.Manufacturer")});
tableGroup2.Name = "Manufacturer";
tableGroup2.ReportItem = this.textBox2;
tableGroup2.Sortings.AddRange(new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Sorting[] {
new Telerik.Reporting.Data.Sorting("=Fields.Manufacturer", Telerik.Reporting.Data.SortDirection.Asc)});
this.crosstab1.Size = new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.SizeU(new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(1.6000000238418579D, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch), new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(0.40000000596046448D, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch));
this.crosstab1.StyleName = "Normal.TableNormal";
In general we highly recommend creating the desired table through the Report Designer first and then review the code in the InitializeComponent to see the internal structure.
Kind regards,Peter
the Telerik team
i tried the sample code which you have provided in AutoGenerateColumns.zip it works for me file. In addition to this i want to add a static row to the table as the header row. I tries as following
TableBodyRow row = new TableBodyRow(new Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit(0.2, Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.UnitType.Inch));
Telerik.Reporting.TextBox txt = new TextBox();
txt.Size = currentCellWidth1;
txt.Value = "Vijetha";
rptTable.Body.SetCellContent(0, 0, txt);
but it does not work for me. please suggest how to add static row for table which i have attached in the image .marked with the red color text there i want to add a static row.
In order to add a new header row, you have to setup a TableGroup and add it as child to the current one. I have updated the sample project.
Best wishes,Peter
the Telerik team
Q2’11 SP1 of Telerik Reporting is available for download (see what's new). Get it today.
private void table1_ItemDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
// get the processing table object since we're in the context of event
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Table processingTable = (sender as Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Table);
FilterValues objFilrs = new FilterValues();
objFilrs = (FilterValues)HttpContext.Current.Session["filterVal"];
DataSet ds=new DataSet();
DataTable dt=new DataTable();
ds = ImportHistoryBIZ.GetImportHistSearch(objFilrs);
dt = ds.Tables[1];
dt = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["filterVal"];
processingTable.DataSource = dt;
//create two HtmlTextBox items (one for header and one for data) which would be added to the items collection of the table
Telerik.Reporting.HtmlTextBox textboxGroup;
Telerik.Reporting.HtmlTextBox textBoxTable;
//we do not clear the Rows collection, since we have a details row group and need to create columns only
int i = 0;
this.table1.ColumnHeadersPrintOnEveryPage = true;
foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
Telerik.Reporting.TableGroup tableGroupColumn = new Telerik.Reporting.TableGroup();
this.table1.Body.Columns.Add(new Telerik.Reporting.TableBodyColumn(Unit.Inch(1)));
textboxGroup = new Telerik.Reporting.HtmlTextBox();
textboxGroup.Style.BorderColor.Default = Color.Black;
textboxGroup.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderType.Solid;
textboxGroup.Value = dc.ColumnName.ToString();
textboxGroup.Size = new SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.1), Unit.Inch(0.3));
tableGroupColumn.ReportItem = textboxGroup;
textBoxTable = new Telerik.Reporting.HtmlTextBox();
textBoxTable.Style.BorderColor.Default = Color.Black;
textBoxTable.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderType.Solid;
textBoxTable.Value = "=Fields." + dc.ColumnName;
textBoxTable.Size = new SizeU(Unit.Inch(1.1), Unit.Inch(0.3));
this.table1.Body.SetCellContent(0, i++, textBoxTable);
this.table1.Items.AddRange(new ReportItemBase[] { textBoxTable, textboxGroup });