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I am loading a control into a page that has a RadGrid. NeedDataSource is being called too soon!

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matt asked on 07 Oct 2010, 03:48 PM
I have code that loads the control that contains the radgird like this:

if (ControlToLoad == "ConCapitalDetailsPS")
               Financial.ConCapitalDetails ucConCapitalDetails = Page.LoadControl("~/Grants/Phases/Financial/ConCapitalDetails.ascx") as Financial.ConCapitalDetails;
               ucConCapitalDetails.ID = "ConCapitalDetailsPS";
               ucConCapitalDetails.ActivePhase = ActivePhase;

But the problem is I need to load my data into the grid with



protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object source, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)


So this is being called before I have the chance to load a specific data into the page

//int iGrantID = ActivePhase.GrantId;
          //int iPhaseID = ActivePhase.Id;

So what I need is somehow be able to set properties on that user control BEFORE the NeedDatasrouce so that the NeedDataSource has the parameters it needs.. How would I do that?  The cheating way is perhaps just make a session variable but that seems ugly.. here is the rest of the relevant code (The control being called )

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using Thc.Gms.Services;
using Thc.Gms.Core;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data;
using System.Data;
using System.Transactions;
using System.Data.Common;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
namespace Thc.Gms.Web.UI.Grants.Phases.Financial
    public partial class HistoricExpenditures : System.Web.UI.UserControl
        public Thc.Gms.Core.Phase ActivePhase
            get { return ViewState["Phase"] as Thc.Gms.Core.Phase; }
                this.ViewState.Add("Phase", value);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object source, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
            Thc.Gms.Core.Phase ActivePhaseSession = (Phase)Session["ActivePhase"];
            int iGrantID = 267;
            int iPhaseID = 1517;
            //int iGrantID = ActivePhase.GrantId;
            //int iPhaseID = ActivePhase.Id;
            //GrantService gService = new GrantService();
            //Grant grant = gService.FindBy(ActivePhase.GrantId);
            //City.Text = grant.Address.City;
            //State.Text = grant.Address.State.Abbreviation;
            //GrantName.Text = grant.Name;
            //PhaseNameTitle.Text = ActivePhase.Name;
            string sql = "[dbo].[financial_getExpendituresByFtaskId]";
            Database _database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("GMSData");
            DataSet tempDataset = new DataSet();
            DataTable DetailsData = new DataTable("Details");
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("level2", typeof(string));
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                using (DbCommand command = _database.GetStoredProcCommand(sql))
                    _database.AddInParameter(command, "@grantid", DbType.Int32, iGrantID);
                    _database.AddInParameter(command, "@phaseid", DbType.Int32, iPhaseID);
                    _database.LoadDataSet(command, tempDataset, "Details");
            RadGrid1.DataSource = tempDataset;
        public void BindData()
            //int iGrantID = ActivePhase.GrantId;
            //int iPhaseID = ActivePhase.Id;
            //GrantService gService = new GrantService();
            //Grant grant = gService.FindBy(ActivePhase.GrantId);
            //City.Text = grant.Address.City;
            //State.Text = grant.Address.State.Abbreviation;
            //GrantName.Text = grant.Name;
            //PhaseNameTitle.Text = ActivePhase.Name;
            //string sql = "[dbo].[financial_getExpendituresByFtaskId]";
            //Database _database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("GMSData");
            //DataSet tempDataset = new DataSet();
            //DataTable DetailsData = new DataTable("Details");
            //DetailsData.Columns.Add("level2", typeof(string));
            //using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
            //    using (DbCommand command = _database.GetStoredProcCommand(sql))
            //    {
            //        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@grantid", DbType.Int32, iGrantID);
            //        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@phaseid", DbType.Int32, iPhaseID);
            //        _database.LoadDataSet(command, tempDataset, "Details");
            //    }
            //    scope.Complete();
            //RadGrid1.DataSource = tempDataset;
        protected void RadGrid1_UpdateCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e)
            int iGrantID = ActivePhase.GrantId;
            int iPhaseID = ActivePhase.Id;
            int iUserID = SessionHelper.CurrentUser.Id;
            GridEditableItem editedItem = e.Item as GridEditableItem;
            int iFTaskID = Int32.Parse(editedItem.GetDataKeyValue("ftaskid").ToString());
            int iQtr = Int32.Parse((editedItem["Qtr"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            int iYear = Int32.Parse((editedItem["Year"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            decimal dHP6 = decimal.Parse((editedItem["H6_Exp"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            decimal dPH6 = decimal.Parse((editedItem["PH_Exp"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            decimal dOth6 = decimal.Parse((editedItem["Oth_Exp"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            decimal dFF6 = decimal.Parse((editedItem["FF_Exp"].Controls[0] as TextBox).Text);
            Dictionary<string, decimal> ExpColl = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
            ExpColl.Add("H6", dHP6);
            ExpColl.Add("PH", dPH6);
            ExpColl.Add("Oth", dOth6);
            ExpColl.Add("FF", dFF6);
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, decimal> item in ExpColl)
                string sql = "[dbo].[financial_setExpendituresByYearQtr]";
                Database _database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("GMSData");
                using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                    using (DbCommand command = _database.GetStoredProcCommand(sql))
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@grantid", DbType.Int32, iGrantID);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@phaseid", DbType.Int32, iPhaseID);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@ftaskId", DbType.Int32, iFTaskID);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@amount", DbType.Decimal, item.Value);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@fundtype ", DbType.String, item.Key);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@year", DbType.Int32, iYear);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@qtr", DbType.Int32, iQtr);
                        _database.AddInParameter(command, "@userid", DbType.Int32, iUserID);
        protected void RadGrid1_DetailTableDataBind(object source, Telerik.Web.UI.GridDetailTableDataBindEventArgs e)
            int iGrantID = ActivePhase.GrantId;
            int iPhaseID = ActivePhase.Id;
            GridDataItem dataItem = (GridDataItem)e.DetailTableView.ParentItem;
            int iCategoryID = Int32.Parse(dataItem.GetDataKeyValue("FTaskID").ToString());
            string sql = "[dbo].[financial_getExpendituresOVerTime]";
            Database _database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase("GMSData");
            DataSet tempDataset = new DataSet();
            DataTable DetailsData = new DataTable("Details");
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("qtr", typeof(int));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("year", typeof(int));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("H6_Exp", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("H6_Use", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("PH_Exp", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("PH_Use", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("Oth_Exp", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("Oth_Use", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("FF_Exp", typeof(decimal));
            DetailsData.Columns.Add("FF_Use", typeof(decimal));
            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope())
                using (DbCommand command = _database.GetStoredProcCommand(sql))
                    _database.AddInParameter(command, "@grantid", DbType.Int32, iGrantID);
                    _database.AddInParameter(command, "@phaseid", DbType.Int32, iPhaseID);
                    _database.AddInParameter(command, "@ftaskId", DbType.Int32, iCategoryID);
                    _database.LoadDataSet(command, tempDataset, "Details");
            RadGrid1.DataSource = tempDataset;     
          //  RadGrid1.DataBind();
        protected void RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
            if (e.Item is GridEditFormItem && e.Item.IsInEditMode && e.Item.OwnerTableView.Name == "GridDetails")
                GridEditFormItem editItem = (GridEditFormItem)e.Item;
                if (false)
                    TextBox txt = (TextBox)editItem.FindControl("unH6_Exp");
                    txt.ReadOnly = true;

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answered on 12 Oct 2010, 11:33 AM
Hello Matt,

Please, note that when you load controls dynamically, it is recommended to do that in the Page_Load event handler. For further information, you can read this help article which deals exactly with dynamically loading usercontrols which contain RadGrid.

Sincerely yours,
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