httpclient unauthorized error 401

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Alberto asked on 27 Jan 2023, 02:34 PM

My application is redirected from https:\\ to http:\\

I'm using windows authentication with [authorize] control in webAPI.

Whether I call my webAPI to populate a datasource it works:

    .DataSource(source => source
        .Transport(transport =>
                url = $"{WebApiUrl}",
                xhrFields = new { withCredentials = true },
                DataType = "json",
                Data = "forgeryToken"

Instead if I use the HTTPCLIENT class it seems that the request loses the credentials and it returns an unauthorize error 401

                .ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(handler =>
                   new HttpClientHandler()
                       AutomaticDecompression = System.Net.DecompressionMethods.GZip,
                       UseDefaultCredentials = true,

Whether I don't use the redirection and I call directly http:\\ it works.

How can I use HTTPCLIENT class to mantain the credential?

I know it's not related to telerik, but I don't understand why with telerik it works and I hope that someone can help me.

Thank you

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answered on 01 Feb 2023, 01:19 PM

Hi Alberto,

The difference in these configurations is that AddHttpClient method is a service collection extension and is applied to the server-side.

The DataSource's properties are ultimately serialized to the client-side and there the Web API's withCredentials method is used. Then Read requests sent to the specified Web API Url include credentials.

To send requests with included credentials utilize the method of the Web API on the client-side.

I hope the information above is useful.

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