When we open a report with Telerik.ReportDesigner.exe we can edit a HTML Text Box in the Design view (like visible in the image here: Overview Design view) and it's also possible to format the text directly by using the In-Place Editor (like here: Editor).
But we miss this WYSIWYG Editor in Telerik.ReportDesigner.Net.exe (v.
We can only edit the text with the HTML tags and it's no longer possible to adjust the style of a single word by selecting the formatting options like bold, italic, font color, etc.
Option "Design view" is missing and even if we edit the text directly (not in the Edit Expression Dialog), we always see the HTML tags.
Are we missing something or is this not supported anymore by the newest version of the ReportDesigner.Net?
But we miss this WYSIWYG Editor in Telerik.ReportDesigner.Net.exe (v.
We can only edit the text with the HTML tags and it's no longer possible to adjust the style of a single word by selecting the formatting options like bold, italic, font color, etc.
Option "Design view" is missing and even if we edit the text directly (not in the Edit Expression Dialog), we always see the HTML tags.
Are we missing something or is this not supported anymore by the newest version of the ReportDesigner.Net?