Hey all,
So to start, let me say that I have a project built out to learn with...I'm trying things out just to figure out better patterns and whatnot when building up apps since I've been doing a lot of that lately and I've started a blog to document my experiences.
What I was doing initially was creating a project to figure out which was better to use...a BackgroundWorker or Task for doing background processing of getting a data source for the grid. What I ended up with was a test app that is buried under a mountain of bad perf and it locks the UI up until it's darn good and ready to let it go. As far as I can tell in my source code...I'm not attaching any of the BackgroundWorker or Task threads to the UI thread...so I'm pretty confused as to what's going on.
If I just do one at a time, the table starts filling up with data before the RadBusyIndicator can even bring up it's UI...if I try 2 or 3...I start seeing the RadBusyIndicator doing it's thing...but the UI is still responsive. If I do all 12...the UI is stuck for a good 10 minutes (my test database has more than 250,000 records in each table).
My source files can be found at the following blog post (If you'd rather I posted them here I can do that as well...)
Any thoughts as to what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance. :)