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How to show filter row without providing data source when first time the paging is loading.

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liu asked on 24 Aug 2015, 07:34 PM

Hi Team,

       I am using RadGrid, and the original implementation is good.

    However, my project manager wants to change the design to--> "showing the filter row without providing data source when first time the page is loading".

    That means, when users visit this page and the page is loading, I will skip the data binding step, but need to show the filter row in MasterTableView.

    My RadGrid is like the following one in ASPX page:

<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGridHotels" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowCustomPaging="True"
                        AllowSorting="True" AllowFilteringByColumn="True" EnableLinqExpressions="True"
                        Width="100%" EnableEmbeddedBaseStylesheet="False" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" Skin="Bootstrap" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
                        GridLines="None" OnNeedDataSource="RadGridHotels_NeedDataSource" OnItemCreated="RadGridHotels_ItemCreated"
                        OnPreRender="RadGridHotels_PreRender" OnItemDataBound="RadGridHotels_ItemDataBound"  OnItemCommand="RadGridHotels_ItemCommand">

                        <MasterTableView IsFilterItemExpanded="True" EditMode="InPlace" CommandItemDisplay="None"
                    DataKeyNames="Id" ClientDataKeyNames="Id" PagerStyle-AlwaysVisible="True"
                            OverrideDataSourceControlSorting="true" AllowNaturalSort="false" AllowCustomSorting="True"
                                <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataType="System.Int32" ItemStyle-CssClass="UseHand first-column" HeaderText="Id" 
                            DataField="Id" UniqueName="Id" AutoPostBackOnFilter="true" 
                            SortExpression="Id" ShowFilterIcon="false" CurrentFilterFunction="EqualTo">
                                    <HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" CssClass="rgHeader rgSortable" />
                                <telerik:GridBoundColumn HeaderText="Display Name" ItemStyle-CssClass="UseHand clickElement column" FilterControlWidth=""
                                    UniqueName="DisplayName" DataField="DisplayName" AutoPostBackOnFilter="true"
                                    CurrentFilterFunction="Contains" ShowFilterIcon="false" SortExpression="DisplayName">
                                    <HeaderStyle Font-Bold="True" CssClass="rgHeader rgSortable" /></telerik:GridBoundColumn>





           Please advise.

            Thank you.

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answered on 24 Aug 2015, 07:46 PM

Added one more request.

The header of MasterTableView should show up with filter row when the page is first time loading.

Thank you.

Telerik team
answered on 27 Aug 2015, 08:21 AM
Hi Liu,

In that case you can create an empty data source mimicking your original source and set it as the grid DataSource on initial load:

Also make sure that the following property is enabled:
<MasterTableView ... ShowHeadersWhenNoRecords="true">

If you need to change the columns structure dynamically, you can check the following article:

Hope this helps.

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