I have a unique situation. We are developing a Timecard Entry system with "Time In" and "Time Out" pickers for each day of the week. I have attached a screenshot for reference. When a blank timecard initially loads, the time pickers should have an empty message of "Time In" and "Time Out" accordingly. I do this by settings the DateInput.EmptyMessage property. When a user selects the Time In/Out values, the DATE portion of the time picker needs to be the date corresponding to the day of the week. Instead, each time picker's date is always defaulted to TODAY's date. The only way I know to change this default behavior is to manually set the "SelectedDate" property on each time picker for each day of the week but then I lose my EmptyMessage of "Time In" or "Time Out". My question is, is there a way to set the SelectedDate property but not have it actually be visually "selected" per se? I need the time pickers to display the EmptyMessage when the page loads. But I still need to have full control over which date the control uses when something is selected.