How to set separate data source for each sub report in Telerik Reporting?

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Converters Report Designer (standalone)
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John asked on 30 Jul 2024, 11:53 AM

We converted the .rpt file to .trdp file using Telerik Standalone Report Wizard. We have a header and the details consist of many sub reports. we need to display the values in the sub reports getting the data from different select queries. We are not sure about specifying the data source for each sub report. 

Need help on the below items

1) How to set the data source to main report? how to set the separate data source to each sub report?

2) When we tried to set the data source for one of the sub report, we are able to only invoke the fields of that data source in another sub report. But we are able to create a separate data source in common. Can you help us with this?

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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
answered on 02 Aug 2024, 04:48 AM

Hello, John,

The Standalone Report Designer is a powerful tool for creating and manipulating reports. It allows you to define as many different Data Source Components as you need to use in your report. The SubReport item is the perfect fit to show reports within other reports serving as a container, similar to the report sections, growing in size depending on its children. The data for each SubReport can be completely different. The ReportSource property allows you to load another report. The DataSource property of the SubReport item (introduced in R3 2022 SP1 ( enables direct feeding of the inner report with data from the main report.

In addition, I would recommend you to have a look at the following help articles which explains the steps how to populate the SubReport with products data and filter it by a parameter, e.g. category id from the main report: 

Create Master-Detail Reports with SubReports.

How To Programmatically Create a Master-Detail Report Using SubReport Item

The Invoice Report Demo shows invoice implemented with Master-Detail reports. The complete report is available in the installation folder of the Telerik Reporting product: C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting 2024 Q2\Report Designer\Examples.

If the suggested approaches don't meet the requirements you need to cover, it would be greatly appreciated if you can provide more details about the exact goal you are trying to achieve. Thus, we would be able to get better understanding of the precise case and provide further assistance. 

I hope this information helps. If you need any further assistance please don't hesitate to contact me. 

Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Progress Telerik

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Converters Report Designer (standalone)
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Dess | Tech Support Engineer, Principal
Telerik team
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