I have a pannel control, where I want a specific textbox to be selected after the listbox.get_selectedItem(). but in the javascript side if I put #RadTextboxID.focus() it never comes down there and the RadTB is not selected.
MY code in the JS side
function AddNewTask() {
var listbox = $find('rlbTasks');
$('#lblEditTaskSign').html('Add Task/Milestone');
$( "#rtbName" ).focus();
And the page does not post back so setting it in the page_load did not help.
I also tried :
<telerik:RadTextBox ClientEvents-OnLoad="onClientLoad" runat="server" ID="rtbName" MaxLength="255" />
function onClientLoad(sender) // executes when loading the RadTextBox
Did not work? how should I approach this issue?