I using the following control
<telerik:RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor ID="RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor1" runat="server" />.
I don't want the hourly option in this control.
I also try to used the following function:
but i don't see this OnClientFormCreated event in above control. But i found this event in the RadScheduler control.
I attached the image. Please see this.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Jiten Mutum
I using the following control
<telerik:RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor ID="RadSchedulerRecurrenceEditor1" runat="server" />.
I don't want the hourly option in this control.
I also try to used the following function:
OnClientFormCreated(sender, eventArgs) {
".rsRecurrenceOptionList li:first-child"
but i don't see this OnClientFormCreated event in above control. But i found this event in the RadScheduler control.
I attached the image. Please see this.
Please help me as soon as possible.
Best Regards
Jiten Mutum