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How to present hierarchical information in RadPropertyGrid?

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Eugene asked on 20 Jun 2016, 01:10 PM

Hi! In my WPF MVVM application I'm in need of presenting of hierarchical information in RadPropertyGrid without use of built-in collections editor. The hierarchical information in RadPropertyGrid must be presented approximately in the following manner:

- "Sirius" Gas Flowmeter
    - Settings
        - Real-Time Clock
             TimeZone                         0
             Date                             20062016
             Time                             163716
    - SerialInterface
         BusAddress                             1
         BaudRate                               115200
    - GasFlowProfileCorrection
         - CompensationUltrasonicBeamFailure
              CompensationWeight              12000
         Weight_1                               0.00015
         Correction_1                           0

Where '-' character on the left of group name means that the content disclosed and other groups and registers in this group are shown (when the content is minimized then '-' character is changed to '+' character). Nesting depth is initially unknown and is determined during runtime of the application. The datasource for the RadPropertyGrid is an ObswervableCollection with hierarchical data items. The contents of the collection is formed during runtime of the application. I watched post about hierarhical RadPropertyGrid at: and your application example from this post. But as I understood there is considered a fixed depth of nesting, which is known in advance. But as I wrote above - in my case nesting depth is initially unknown and is determined during runtime.  If you give me an example applicable to my case, it will be great. I am hope for your help.

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answered on 21 Jun 2016, 05:30 AM

I'd like to add more here:

1) The number of groups and registers in hierarchy is not limited with five groups and seven registers as I've shown above as an example. In fact, the device has about one thousand registers, contained in several dozen group.

2) You also can see the definitions of Group and Register classes in my post in Stackoverflow at: .

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answered on 22 Jun 2016, 04:54 AM
Gentlemen, help, I desperately need abovementioned hierarchical PropertyGrid!
Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 22 Jun 2016, 12:47 PM
Hello Eugene,

Unfortunately, RadPropertyGrid does not provide such functionality out of the box as it is pretty specific. You can consider the approach from the other thread that you have checked with manually defining the PropertyDefinitions, however, since in your exact scenario you are not aware of the structure of the control it will not be very straightforward to achieve.You can check the Customized Property Definitions article for more information.  

I also advise on checking the "Nested Properties" demo regarding the PropertyGrid control in our WPF Demos Application and consider such approach at your end. I am not familiar with the exact structure аt your end but it seems similar to your requirement.

Stefan Nenchev
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answered on 22 Jun 2016, 02:03 PM
Can I look at RadPropertyGrid for WPF source code? And (if yes) how? Will it legal, if I try to change RadPropertyGrid source code for my needs? That is, I will build my own control based on telerik: RadPropertiGrid?
Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jun 2016, 10:58 AM
Hi Eugene,

You can download the source code once you have logged with your account. Simply navigate to "Downloads" and choose "UI for WPF" and you will be prompted to all available downloads (latest internal builds, etc). At the bottom of the page, you can find the source code. You are free to review it and apply changes if possible. Providing help in such scenarios, however, is out of the scope of support. I suggest you check the End User License Agreement for any legal concerns you have.

Stefan Nenchev
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answered on 23 Jun 2016, 01:38 PM
Hi, Stefan. As you understand I'm in need of hierarchical RadPropertyGrid (without CollectionsEditor) very, very, very. I've downloaded RadPropertyGrid source code and now I brows it. So I'd like to ask the question of Cheshire Cat: "Where (in which cs-file) I should do  changes to present  hierarchical data in PropertiGrid as it is appeared in RadTreeListViev?"
Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 27 Jun 2016, 11:49 AM
Hello Eugene,

The PropertyGrid is a complex control and we cannot provide you with a specific class which you can update to achieve the behavior in a straightforward manner. As such modifications are not supported, we cannot guarantee you that the requirement can be achieved at all so it is up to you to come up with the logic for your specific requirement.

Stefan Nenchev
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answered on 28 Jun 2016, 07:58 AM
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answered on 28 Jun 2016, 08:43 AM
Dear developers forum members! Did anyone of you do a hierarchical PropertyGrid on the base of RadPropertyGrid for presentation of hierarchical collections in the manner of RadTreeListViev? (Without CollectionEditor.) Because I really need a hierarchical PropertyGrid. I would be very grateful if someone would give me the source code of such control.
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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
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