In my application, rad grid consists of two image control column and one checkbox column for multiple row selection. One of the image control column is delete and delete command gets fired on image click since command name specified is 'Delete'. I defined one template column having another image.
What i want is if i selected multiple rows with check boxes then the particular routine should called on image2 click.
In my grid_itemdatabound event i have written this code:
ImageButton img2 = (ImageButton)dataItem["uniquename"].FindControl("ImgId");
img2 .Click +=
new ImageClickEventHandler(img2 _Click);
protected void img2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
// some code that is to be executed, loop through grid rows, check if checkbox checked, execute routine
when i debug i fnd img2_click does get called
anyone who knows please tell how this can be achieved.
which command event i should use as delete i am already using for deleting multiple rows selected.
Please tell ASAP or provide some code.