I really don't know this question belongs to this category. But I think this will be most suitable place for this question.
Here is my situation.
I am making a dynamic form with a help of this article article.
Here you can see it use kendo template .
<script id="fieldsTemplate" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<label data-bind="attr: { for: name}, text: label"></label>
<input data-bind="attr: { type: type, name: name, class: css}" # if (get("required")) {# required #} # />
After form generated this form is just use HTML5 make the form. It does't have kendo attribute. for a example if I bound data-role attribute and value is numerictextbox It doesn't give me a numeric text box(Think its' type is number). It doesn't have those properties.( if I type a number it doesn't show the default decimal point. It only shows that number.)
But in this example says if we add data-role attribute and value as numerictextbox it will be a numeric text box.
But in documentation or in this , it seems I have to call kendoNumericTextBox method to make a numeric text box.
Even I try to add this code to template but it doesn't work(Please assume that I add this correctly with this ).
So what option do I left ??
Thank you very much.