Hi all,
I am working on a WPF application using Telerik and coded in C# .NET.
My following question is over a WPF page using the “Code behind” model to implement the logic of the page.
Currently, I have a <telerik:RadGridView> for which the source is the DefaultView of a DataTable containing 365 columns (or 366, it depends on the number of days in a year).
But I am facing an issue :
The source of the RadGridView is a 365/6 columns DataTable (DefaultView).
It does not seem that all the columns are loaded at the begining.
I mean that I have to scroll 3 times to the end of the scrollbar to make all the 365/6 columns appear . => This could be another issue, but it is my opinion.
I would like to know how to load all that columns at once ?
Any help or tip will be much appreciated :)