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How to have names of my own in pivot grid

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Dorababu asked on 28 Sep 2012, 06:14 AM
Hi all I have designed my pivot grid as follows

<telerik:RadPivotGrid EnableViewState="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10" Width="800px"
            ViewStateMode="Inherit" ID="RadPivotGrid1" runat="server" ColumnHeaderZoneText="ColumnHeaderZone"
            ShowColumnHeaderZone="true" ShowDataHeaderZone="False" OnNeedDataSource="RadPivotGrid1_NeedDataSource">
            <ClientSettings AllowFieldsReordering="True">
                <Scrolling AllowVerticalScroll="True" ScrollHeight="320px" />
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="EmpID" ZoneIndex="0">
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="PayeeName" ZoneIndex="1">
                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="BankAccountType">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="BankRoutingNumber">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="BankAccount">
            <TotalsSettings GrandTotalsVisibility="None" />
            <ZoneContextMenu EnableTheming="True" ID="rpgzcMenu">

And my code for binding is as follows

protected void RadPivotGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.PivotGridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
        MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlcon1"].ConnectionString);
        MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("select EmpID,BankAccountType,PayeeName,BankRoutingNumber,BankAccount,Amount from tblemployeebankdata where EmpID=1021", con);
        MySqlDataAdapter da = new MySqlDataAdapter();
        da.SelectCommand = cmd;
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();
        RadPivotGrid1.DataSource = ds;
My pivot grid looks as follows

Can some one help me. Also how can I use edit and delete options in pivot grid

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answered on 02 Oct 2012, 12:25 PM

Try to modify your code as follows:

<telerik:RadPivotGrid EnableViewState="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10" Width="800px"
            ViewStateMode="Inherit" ID="RadPivotGrid1" runat="server" ColumnHeaderZoneText="ColumnHeaderZone" TotalsSettings-GrandTotalsVisibility="None"
            ShowColumnHeaderZone="true" ShowDataHeaderZone="False" OnNeedDataSource="RadPivotGrid1_NeedDataSource">
            <ClientSettings AllowFieldsReordering="True">
                <Scrolling AllowVerticalScroll="True" ScrollHeight="320px" />
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="EmpID" ZoneIndex="0">
                <telerik:PivotGridRowField DataField="PayeeName" ZoneIndex="1">
                <telerik:PivotGridColumnField DataField="BankAccountType">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="BankRoutingNumber" Caption="Your custom Text">
                <telerik:PivotGridAggregateField DataField="BankAccount">
            <TotalsSettings GrandTotalsVisibility="None" />
            <ZoneContextMenu EnableTheming="True" ID="rpgzcMenu">

Give this approach a try and check whether you get the desired behavior.

Kind regards,
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