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how to get loading panel for the tabs with grids in it

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Krishna asked on 24 Mar 2009, 01:11 AM
I have 3 tabs and 3 grids in each tab with pagination (in the pageviews)

when i click on any pagination link in any of the grid it is taking 1 minute to load the data 

 i want to show a loading icon to the user so that they will not click any other controls on the screen till its loaded


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answered on 26 Mar 2009, 10:03 PM
Hello Krishna~2c~3cbr /~3e ~3cbr /~3e One minute to load data- yikes~21 ~3a~29 Have you considered using RadAjaxManager to help speed-up your page~3f What~27s happening now is this~3a~3cbr /~3e ~3cbr /~3e When your page renders~2c it is rendering ~28and data binding~29 9 grids ~283 per tab~29. Even though you don~27t see the grids on the other tabs~2c the default behavior is to load all content on page load. Then~2c with no Ajax applied~2c when you perform a PostBack operation ~28like paging~29~2c all grids are being re-bound and re-loaded.~3cbr /~3e ~3cbr /~3e This is obviously a ~22heavy~22 scenario~2c and I think there are a few things you can do to quickly improve the performance~3a~3cbr /~3e ~3col~3e ~3cli~3eOn your RadMultiPage~2c set the ~3cstrong~3eRenderSelectedPageOnly~3c/strong~3e property to ~3cstrong~3eTrue~3c/strong~3e. This will result in only the currently visible tab content being rendered when the page loads.~3c/li~3e ~3cli~3eAdd ~3cstrong~3eRadAjaxManager~3c/strong~3e to your page and configure it to~3a ~3cstrong~3eA~29~3c/strong~3e Update the RadMultiPage when the RadTabStrip is clicked~2c and ~3cstrong~3eB~29~3c/strong~3e Add settings for each RadGrid so only ~3cem~3eone~3c/em~3e RadGrid is updated when operations like paging~2c sorting~2c and filtering are performed. All settings can be visually configured using the RadAjaxManager SmartTag in Visual Studio.~3c/li~3e ~3cli~3eAdd a ~3cstrong~3eRadAjaxLoadingPanel ~3c/strong~3eto your page and configure it as the DefaultLoadingPanel for your RadAjaxManager. This will provide the progress indicator you were seeking for long running operations.~3c/li~3e ~3c/ol~3e Following those simple steps should dramatically improve your page performance. If you have any additional questions~2c don~27t hesitate to ask. ~3cbr /~3e Thanks~21~3cbr /~3e ~3cdiv contenteditable~3d~22false~22 style~3d~22border~3a 1px dotted gray~3b~22 onresizestart~3d~22return false~22 onselectstart~3d~22return false~22~3e-Todd~3c/div~3e ~3cbr /~3e ~3cdiv style~3d~22font-size~3a 10px~3b padding-top~3a 10px~3b~22~3e ~3ca href~3d~22http~3a// title~3d~22Vote For Telerik Products~22 alt~3d~22Vote For Telerik Products~22 src~3d~22http~3a// /~3e~3c/a~3e~3cbr /~3e Check out ~3ca href~3d~22http~3a// target~3d~22_blank~22 style~3d~22color~3a gray~3b~22~3e Telerik Trainer~3c/a~3e ~2c the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products. ~3c/div~3e
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