In my application, we use a lightbox to open the RADEditor. Its position in the page (vertical height) will be relative on the page to where it was clicked.
When the RadEditor is opened further down on the page, all the additional pop-ups that are generated by the RADEditor appear in random locations (not director over the RADeditor). For example, if I try to paste-in plain text, open the image/document Library, Table Wizard, or any other pop-up, they will be way above, or way below the immediate RadEditor. How can I control the placement of these pop-ups?
(example below shows a "moderate" version where the Past Plain Text window first loads)

In my application, we use a lightbox to open the RADEditor. Its position in the page (vertical height) will be relative on the page to where it was clicked.
When the RadEditor is opened further down on the page, all the additional pop-ups that are generated by the RADEditor appear in random locations (not director over the RADeditor). For example, if I try to paste-in plain text, open the image/document Library, Table Wizard, or any other pop-up, they will be way above, or way below the immediate RadEditor. How can I control the placement of these pop-ups?
(example below shows a "moderate" version where the Past Plain Text window first loads)