I have a column in grid which is of " DateTime " data type. I have default filtering set ON for the grid and the code for the column goes like this :
<telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="OrderDate" DataField="OrderDate" HeaderText="Ordered on"
CurrentFilterFunction="EqualTo" ShowFilterIcon="False" AutoPostBackOnFilter="True"
DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yy}" DataType="System.DateTime">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" />
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="65px" />
And the grid is showing all the columns perfectly as expected. For the above code the grid shows only the date in the column but not the time. But, I want to filter the column only by date and not by date time. As when I serach only by date, the filter results with no records for a particular date, as the time(for the provided date) does not match when I do not provide it(I think it takes the default time "00:00:00.000"). I am unable to achieve this. Please help me out.
<telerik:GridBoundColumn UniqueName="OrderDate" DataField="OrderDate" HeaderText="Ordered on"
CurrentFilterFunction="EqualTo" ShowFilterIcon="False" AutoPostBackOnFilter="True"
DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yy}" DataType="System.DateTime">
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" />
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Right" Width="65px" />
And the grid is showing all the columns perfectly as expected. For the above code the grid shows only the date in the column but not the time. But, I want to filter the column only by date and not by date time. As when I serach only by date, the filter results with no records for a particular date, as the time(for the provided date) does not match when I do not provide it(I think it takes the default time "00:00:00.000"). I am unable to achieve this. Please help me out.