I am using treeview control. with load on demand feature and i kept ExpandMode=ServerSide,
when i add child to perticular node (from context menu one dialog is opening to add child node; after closing of dialog treeviev is getting refreshed ), i want only that branch should get expanded. (I want to expand the nodes which are in fullPath property of added node's parent)
like following figure Suppose I have added node C. I want A and B only get expanded so that C is visible. and do not want E to be expanded. kindly provide some solution.
| __B
| |_C
I am using treeview control. with load on demand feature and i kept ExpandMode=ServerSide,
when i add child to perticular node (from context menu one dialog is opening to add child node; after closing of dialog treeviev is getting refreshed ), i want only that branch should get expanded. (I want to expand the nodes which are in fullPath property of added node's parent)
like following figure Suppose I have added node C. I want A and B only get expanded so that C is visible. and do not want E to be expanded. kindly provide some solution.
| __B
| |_C