I have a RadTabStrip on a page with three tabs. Each tab has a user control inside it.
When the user is editing an existing record, the tabs should be enabled. But when the user is entering a new record, the tabs should be disabled. After the user enters a new record and clicks the save button and the new record has been added to the database, I want to enable the tabs.
Ideally, I would enable the tabs in the RadTabStrip Load event, but this event fires before the user control is loaded and the events which add the new record to the database.
I tried enabling the tabs in the Page LoadComplete event, but this seems to have no effect. I verified with the debugger that the tabs are enabled inside the LoadComplete event, but they aren't enabled when the page is rendered. Is there some other way to accomplish this?
When the user is editing an existing record, the tabs should be enabled. But when the user is entering a new record, the tabs should be disabled. After the user enters a new record and clicks the save button and the new record has been added to the database, I want to enable the tabs.
Ideally, I would enable the tabs in the RadTabStrip Load event, but this event fires before the user control is loaded and the events which add the new record to the database.
I tried enabling the tabs in the Page LoadComplete event, but this seems to have no effect. I verified with the debugger that the tabs are enabled inside the LoadComplete event, but they aren't enabled when the page is rendered. Is there some other way to accomplish this?
sender, EventArgs e)
(SessionHandler.SelectedID ==
// new record
enabled =
// existing record
enabled =
(RadTab tab
tab.Enabled = enabled;