on a blank part of time slot if you double click or single click, my function called is
function OnClientTimeSlotClick(sender, args)
<telerik:RadScheduler OnClientTimeSlotClick="OnClientTimeSlotClick" OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu="OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu" ...
is there a way inside the function to know if it was double clicked or single clicked? or a way to have it call different functions.
I am also looking for a way to not have the right click context menu open or perhaps how to handle the 3 actions that show up
function OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu(sender, args) {
return false;
} ^^ does not work
function OnClientTimeSlotClick(sender, args)
<telerik:RadScheduler OnClientTimeSlotClick="OnClientTimeSlotClick" OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu="OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu" ...
is there a way inside the function to know if it was double clicked or single clicked? or a way to have it call different functions.
I am also looking for a way to not have the right click context menu open or perhaps how to handle the 3 actions that show up
function OnClientTimeSlotContextMenu(sender, args) {
return false;
} ^^ does not work