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How to delete one exception occurence issued from recurrence ?

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luc bonenfant
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luc bonenfant asked on 23 Aug 2015, 10:16 AM


1. I create an appointment with recurrence : 3 occurrences A,B,C.
2. I update only one occurrence : B.
3. I delete B.

But deleting B doesn't work... indeed, no event is firing... (none from OnOccurrenceDelete​/OnAppointmentDelete/Delete method from provider)
More, if i try to edit this occurrence B, i can choose series/occurrence illogically (and nothing happen if i choose edting series...) 

If I update series from A or B to reset exception, the original B takes place, but my "orphan" occurrence B always exists and i still can not delete it.
The own way for user to delete orphan B is to add a reccurence to B then deleting the series...

Is it something i didn't understand ? ​How to force the removal of B please ?

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Aug 2015, 02:43 PM
Hello Luc,

Could you demonstrate us the implementation of the RadScheduler that you use at your and, along with the data-binding approach that you use. This we could get a clearer picture on your implementation and try to replicate the experienced issue.

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luc bonenfant
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Rank 1
answered on 29 Aug 2015, 12:53 PM

In fact, i deleted this code from GetAppointments ​into the provider :

if (apt.RecurrenceParentID != null)
   apt.RecurrenceState = RecurrenceState.Exception;

 Because, for me, this ocurrence (previously moved from series) is now with a type NotRecuring.
And it's working great like this.

The original code is here :

To answer to you previous post, this is a part of my code for the GetAppointments method :

public override IEnumerable<Appointment> GetAppointments(RadScheduler owner)
    List<Appointment> appointments = new List<Appointment>();
    List<CAppointmentInfo> appointmentInfos = new List<CAppointmentInfo>();
    List<CAppointmentInfo> uniqueAppointmentInfos = AppointmentInfos.Where(x => x.Start >= owner.VisibleRangeStart && x.End <= owner.VisibleRangeEnd && x.RecurrenceRule == string.Empty).ToList();
    List<CAppointmentInfo> recurrenceAppointmentInfos = AppointmentInfos.Where(x => x.RecurrenceRule != string.Empty).ToList();
    foreach (CAppointmentInfo appointmentInfo in appointmentInfos)
        Appointment apt = new Appointment();
        apt.Owner = owner;
        apt.ID = appointmentInfo.ID;
        apt.Subject = appointmentInfo.Subject;
        apt.Start = DateTime.SpecifyKind(appointmentInfo.Start, DateTimeKind.Utc);
        apt.End = DateTime.SpecifyKind(appointmentInfo.End, DateTimeKind.Utc);
        apt.RecurrenceRule = appointmentInfo.RecurrenceRule;
        apt.RecurrenceParentID = appointmentInfo.RecurrenceParentID;
        if (appointmentInfo.Reminder != null)
            IList<Reminder> reminders = Reminder.TryParse(appointmentInfo.Reminder);
            if (reminders != null)
        if (apt.RecurrenceRule != string.Empty)
            apt.RecurrenceState = RecurrenceState.Master;
        LoadResources(appointmentInfo, apt);
    return appointments;

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luc bonenfant
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Telerik team
luc bonenfant
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