I have a RadAjaxManager in a master page, and a RadAjaxManagerProxy in a user control. I have this setting:
<tel:RadAjaxManagerProxy ..>
OK, so when the create new button is clicked, the rad ajax panel is also updated, as well as a few other controls. What I need to have happen is that when create new is clicked, a JavaScript method needs to run
I tried the following, neither work:
I have a debugger; in that client method and nothing runs.
Any ideas?
I have a RadAjaxManager in a master page, and a RadAjaxManagerProxy in a user control. I have this setting:
<tel:RadAjaxManagerProxy ..>
<tel:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="lnkCreateNew"></AjaxSettings>
<tel:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="rapNewForm" /><tel:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="rtsForm" /></UpdatedControls><tel:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="rapUpdateSection" />
OK, so when the create new button is clicked, the rad ajax panel is also updated, as well as a few other controls. What I need to have happen is that when create new is clicked, a JavaScript method needs to run
I tried the following, neither work:
I have a debugger; in that client method and nothing runs.
Any ideas?