i have a RadToolbar and RadGrid inside of an Ajax Panel. One of the buttons performs the Export to Excel and I following the instructions for disabling the Ajax use when this buttons pressed because we need to do a full postback. This all works fine but it makes all of the button clicks do full postbacks. I have other buttons such as Refresh that I want to use Ajax. Here is my javascript routine...
telerik:RadScriptBlock runat=server>
script type="text/javascript">
function pnlRequestStarted(ajaxPanel, eventArgs) {
if (eventArgs.EventTarget == "<%=ToolbarUniqueID %>") {
eventArgs.EnableAjax = false
I'm passing the unique id of the Radtoolbar. Can I somehow get to the actual button value clicked inside of this routine?
Basically I'm lookign for logic that will allow me to do the following.
if button.value = ExporttoExcel
eventArgs.EnableAjax = false
eventArgs.EnableAjax = true