Using VS 2010 with RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1 2012. I am using below link as Prototype.
My question's are:
1) I would like to hide the EditColumn Insert/Update/Cancel Button image based on certain condition of a Grid Column Data.
- If RadGrid DataItem Units in Stock is > 25, then show EditColumn Insert/Update/Cancel Button image.
- If RadGrid DataItem Units in Stock is < 25, then Just show EditColumn Cancel Button image and change CancelText ="Exit"
Attached is my screen printout.
2) Is it possible to hide Child Table Command item Template based on a Grid Dataitem column value of Parent Item? Ex: using Northwind Customer Table, if Customer Id = 'ALFKI', hide Command Item Template of its Child Table, if Customer Id is <> 'ALFKI', show Command Item Template of its Child Table.
Thanks a lot for help