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How to change the value of Custom Attribute on Client side and Access it on the server side

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Gijsbertus Marinus De Boer
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Gijsbertus Marinus De Boer asked on 22 Jul 2010, 08:11 AM
Hi All,
    Is it possible to change the value of custom attribute on the client side then access it on the server side?
Because I'm trying to change some value of custom attribute on the client side and try to get it during post back, but the value that I get is still the initial value when i created the attribute.

below is my sample code
client script

<script type="text/javascript">
   var activenode = null;
   function $(id){return document.getElementById(id);}
   function AppySetting(){
      if (activenode!=null){
          activenode.setAttribute('AllowAdd'   ,(($('AllowAdd'   ).checked)? 'True':'False'));
          activenode.setAttribute('AllowEdit'  ,(($('AllowEdit'  ).checked)? 'True':'False'));
          activenode.setAttribute('AllowDelete',(($('AllowDelete').checked)? 'True':'False'));
   function OnClientNodeClicked(sender, args)
        activenode = args.get_node().get_attributes();
        $('AllowAdd'   ).checked = activenode.getAttribute('AllowAdd'   )=='True';
        $('AllowEdit'  ).checked = activenode.getAttribute('AllowEdit'  )=='True';
        $('AllowDelete').checked = activenode.getAttribute('AllowDelete')=='True';

server code :
aspx page
<telerik:RadTreeView id="RadTreeViewBackOffice" runat="server" CheckBoxes="True" TriStateCheckBoxes="true" CheckChildNodes="true" OnNodeDataBound="OnNodeDataBound"  OnClientNodeClicked="OnClientNodeClicked" OnClientNodeChecking="OnClientNodeClicked" />

code behind :




void OnNodeDataBound(object sender, RadTreeNodeEventArgs e ){

           e.Node.Attributes.Add("AllowAdd" ,"True");         

           e.Node.Attributes.Add("AllowEdit" ,"True");

           e.Node.Attributes.Add("AllowDelete" ,"True");

protected void OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e )

  foreach(RadTreeNode Node in RadTreeViewBackOffice.CheckedNodes){

when I call the method Onclick the value of the Attribute is still the same ("True")  even i set "False" in the client side.

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Nikolay Tsenkov
Telerik team
answered on 23 Jul 2010, 03:57 PM
Hello Gijsbertus Marinus De Boer,

Basically, you need to place the changes over the existing nodes between treeView.trackChanges() and treeView.commitChanges in order these changes to be included in the viewState.

Nikolay Tsenkov
the Telerik team
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Gijsbertus Marinus De Boer
Top achievements
Rank 1
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Nikolay Tsenkov
Telerik team
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