I am using scheduler control.
I have a dat list as follow to bind with control.
Count Type Date
2 Auto 27/01/2009
5 Manual 27/01/2009
4 Auto 28/01/2009
10 Manual 28/01/2009
1. I want to show count and Type with different bgcolor base on type.
2. I want to call dialog window when i click the day cell.
Please let me know how to change the color (or image) base on type and which event i need to use to call dialog?
One more thing i want to disable default insert, update and delete event since i just want to use this scheduler control for showing data.
5 Answers, 1 is accepted
You can add Type as a Resource to the appointments and use the help topic to
Set different styles to appointments.
RadScheduler exposes OnClientAppointmentClick and OnClientTimeSlotClick which you can use to call a dialog on either appointment or time slot client click.
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Thanks for your reply. I can manage to bind the data and change the color.
But I am facing one problem when changing the background color. I use the following css to change the background and fore color of appointment. It is only change the fore color. I am using Office2007 skin. I think this skin over rule my css. Please let me know which property I do need to set. Thanks.
background: yellow;
color : Red;
background: orange;
color : Green;
void rdScheduler_AppointmentDataBound(object sender, SchedulerEventArgs e)
if (e.Appointment.Resources.GetResourceByType("Type") != null)
e.Appointment.CssClass = e.Appointment.Resources.GetResourceByType(
Please, use "!important" to increase the specificity of the css selectors. For example:
.FER .rsAptOut
background: yellow !important;
color : Red;
the Telerik team
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After I apply this css, my css does not work anymore. :) Please look my Scheduler tag.
background: yellow !important;
color : Red;

We need to use .rsAptWrap instead of .rsAptOut. Problem solved. thanks.