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How to change fonts used to display content in HTML tab

1 Answer 61 Views
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Joseph Alfano
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Joseph Alfano asked on 30 Sep 2010, 09:21 PM

We are using RadEditor v. 2010.1.519.35.  We have changed the background and default font for the Design tab by setting a value for the Editor Css file as follows
<telerik:radeditor runat="server" SkinId="PerfOptimizedRadEditor" NewLineBr="false" ToolsFile="~/XMLConfigFiles/RadEditorToolsFile.xml" EditModes="Design,Html,Preview" 
    StripFormattingOnPaste="None" StripFormattingOptions="None" ToolbarMode="Default" Skin="WebBlue" 
    SpellCheckSettings-SpellCheckProvider="EditDistanceProvider" SpellCheckSettings-EditDistance="1" 
    SpellCheckSettings-AllowAddCustom="false"  SpellCheckSettings-DictionaryPath="~/MSFS/Content/RadSpellDictionaries"
    ContentFilters = "RemoveScripts,FixUlBoldItalic,FixEnclosingP,IECleanAnchors,MozEmStrong,ConvertFontToSpan,ConvertToXhtml,IndentHTMLContent"  >
        <telerik:EditorCssFile Value="~/Stylesheets/RadEditorApplyStylesSelector.css" />

and then in the stylesheet (in this case named RadEditorApplyStylesSelector.css), setting the following style for the body:
    font-size: 9pt;
    font-weight: normal;

This works great and the display of the content in the Design tab is modifed to reflect the css style.  However, the display of the content in the HTML tab does not change.  It is still displayed using the default css styles.

How do we change the display of the RadEditor content that appears in the HTML tab?

Thanks for the help!

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answered on 04 Oct 2010, 01:02 PM
Hello Joseph Alfano,

You can change the appearance of Html mode using the following js code:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function OnClientLoad(editor) {
        var HtmlMode = editor.get_textArea().style;
        HtmlMode.backgroundColor = "Black";
        HtmlMode.color = "Red";
        HtmlMode.fontFamily = "Tahoma";
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"  runat="server">

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Joseph Alfano
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